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Version: 1.53.4


Entity hooks are a way to wrap the API methods for an entity and add custom behaviour.

The Platformatic DB SQL Mapper provides an addEntityHooks(entityName, spec) function that can be used to add hooks for an entity.

How to use hooks

addEntityHooks accepts two arguments:

  1. A string representing the entity name (singularized), for example 'page'.
  2. A key/value object where the key is one of the API methods (find, insert, save, delete) and the value is a callback function. The callback will be called with the original API method and the options that were passed to that method. See the example below.


'use strict'
const { connect } = require('@platformatic/sql-mapper')
const { pino } = require('pino')
const pretty = require('pino-pretty')
const logger = pino(pretty())

async function main() {
const pgConnectionString = 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]/postgres'
const mapper = await connect({
connectionString: pgConnectionString,
log: logger,
mapper.addEntityHooks('page', {
find: async (originalFind, opts) => {
// Add a `foo` field with `bar` value to each row
const res = await originalFind(opts)
return => { = 'bar'
return row
const res = await{
fields: ['id', 'title',],
where: {
id: {
lt: 10
0: {
"id": "5",
"title": "Page 1",
"foo": "bar"
1: {
"id": "6",
"title": "Page 2",
"foo": "bar"
await mapper.db.dispose()

Multiple Hooks

Multiple hooks can be added for the same entity and API method, for example:

'use strict'
const { connect } = require('@platformatic/sql-mapper')
const { pino } = require('pino')
const pretty = require('pino-pretty')
const logger = pino(pretty())

async function main() {
const pgConnectionString = 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]/postgres'
const mapper = await connect({
connectionString: pgConnectionString,
log: logger,
mapper.addEntityHooks('page', {
find: async function firstHook(previousFunction, opts) {
// Add a `foo` field with `bar` value to each row
const res = await previousFunction(opts)
return => { = 'bar'
return row
mapper.addEntityHooks('page', {
find: async function secondHook(previousFunction, opts) {
// Add a `bar` field with `baz` value to each row
const res = await previousFunction(opts)
return => { = 'baz'
return row
const res = await{
fields: ['id', 'title',],
where: {
id: {
lt: 10
0: {
"id": "5",
"title": "Page 1",
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
1: {
"id": "6",
"title": "Page 2",
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
await mapper.db.dispose()

Since hooks are wrappers, they are being called in reverse order, like the image below

Hooks Lifecycle

So even though we defined two hooks, the Database will be hit only once.

Query result will be processed by firstHook, which will pass the result to secondHook, which will, finally, send the processed result to the original .find({...}) function.