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Version: 1.53.4

sql-mapper Fastify Plugin

The @platformatic/sql-mapper package exports a Fastify plugin that can be used out-of the box in a server application.

A connectionString option must be passed to connect to your database.

The plugin decorates the server with a platformatic object that has the following properties:

  • db — the DB wrapper object provided by @databases
  • sql — the SQL query mapper object provided by @databases
  • entities — all entity objects with their API methods
  • addEntityHooks — a function to add a hook to an entity API method

The plugin also decorates the Fastify Request object with the following:

  • platformaticContext: an object with the following two properties:
    • app, the Fastify application of the given route
    • reply, the Fastify Reply instance matching that request


'use strict'

const Fastify = require('fastify')
const mapper = require('@platformatic/sql-mapper')

async function main() {
const app = Fastify({
logger: {
level: 'info'
app.register(mapper.plugin, {
connectionString: 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]/postgres'

app.get('/all-pages', async (req, reply) => {
// Optionally get the platformatic context.
// Passing this to all sql-mapper functions allow to apply
// authorization rules to the database queries (amongst other things).
const ctx = req.platformaticContext

// Will return all rows from 'pages' table
const res = await{ ctx })
return res

await app.listen({ port: 3333 })


TypeScript support

In order for this module to work on a TypeScript setup (outside of a Platformatic application), you have to add the following to your types:

import { Entities, Entity } from '@platformatic/sql-mapper'

type Movie {
id: number,
title: string

interface AppEntities extends Entities {
movie: Entity<Movie>

declare module 'fastify' {
interface FastifyInstance {
platformatic: SQLMapperPluginInterface<AppEntities>