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Version: 1.53.4

Platformatic Runtime

Platformatic Runtime provides a unified environment for running multiple Platformatic microservices as a single monolithic deployment unit, for streamlined development.


  • Command-line interface: platformatic runtime provides a powerful and flexible CLI for managing your runtime environment.
  • Programmatic start: Start Platformatic Runtime programmatically in tests or other applications for enhanced integration.
  • Monorepo support: Efficiently manage applications within a monorepo setup.
  • Interservice communication: Enable interservice communication using private message passing to streamline service interactions.

Standalone usage

If you're only interested in the features available in Platformatic Runtime, you can replace platformatic with @platformatic/runtime in the dependencies of your package.json. This reduces the number of dependencies you need to import for your application.

Example configuration file

The following configuration file can be used to start a new Platformatic Runtime project. For more details on the configuration file, see the configuration documentation.

"$schema": "",
"autoload": {
"path": "./packages",
"exclude": ["docs"]
"entrypoint": "entrypointApp"

TypeScript Compilation

Platformatic Runtime streamlines the compilation of all services built on TypeScript with the command plt runtime compile. This command integrates seamlessly with Platformatic features, ensuring faster builds and consistent environments. it's important to note that the TypeScript compiler (tsc) must be installed separately.

Platformatic Runtime context

Every Platformatic Runtime application can be run as a standalone application or as a Platformatic Runtime service. Runtime service enables certain compile and runtime optimizations, enhancing performance and resource management. You can see the interservice communication for more features.

Interservice communication

Platformatic Runtime allows multiple microservice applications to run within a single process. Only the entrypoint binds to an operating system port and can be reached from outside of the runtime.

Within the runtime, all interservice communication happens by injecting HTTP requests into the running servers, without binding them to ports. This injection is handled by fastify-undici-dispatcher.

Each microservice is assigned an internal domain name based on its unique ID. For example, a microservice with the ID awesome is given the internal domain of http://awesome.plt.local. The fastify-undici-dispatcher module maps that domain to the Fastify server running the awesome microservice. Any Node.js APIs based on Undici, such as fetch(), will then automatically route requests addressed to awesome.plt.local to the corresponding Fastify server.


For each service in the runtime except the entrypoint, Platformatic will set the Fastify's trustProxy option to true. This will change the ip/hostname in the request object to match the one coming from the entrypoint, rather than the internal xyz.plt.local name.This is useful for services behind a proxy, ensuring the original client's IP address is preserved. Visit fastify docs for more details.


If you run into a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please raise an issue on GitHub or join our Discord feedback channel.