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Version: 1.53.4


When Platformatic DB inspects a database's schema, it creates an object for each table that contains a mapping of their fields.

These objects contain the following properties:

  • singularName: singular entity name, based on table name. Uses inflected under the hood.
  • pluralName: plural entity name (i.e 'pages')
  • primaryKey: the field which is identified as primary key.
  • table: original table name
  • fields: an object containing all fields details. Object key is the field name.
  • camelCasedFields: an object containing all fields details in camelcase. If you have a column named user_id you can access it using both userId or user_id

Fields detail

  • sqlType: The original field type. It may vary depending on the underlying DB Engine
  • isNullable: Whether the field can be null or not
  • primaryKey: Whether the field is the primary key or not
  • camelcase: The camelcased value of the field


Given this SQL Schema (for PostgreSQL):

CREATE TABLE "public"."pages" (
"id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('pages_id_seq'::regclass),
"title" varchar,
"body_content" text,
"category_id" int4,

The resulting mapping object will be:

singularName: 'page',
pluralName: 'pages',
primaryKey: 'id',
table: 'pages',
fields: {
id: {
sqlType: 'int4',
isNullable: false,
primaryKey: true,
camelcase: 'id'
title: {
sqlType: 'varchar',
isNullable: true,
camelcase: 'title'
body_content: {
sqlType: 'text',
isNullable: true,
camelcase: 'bodyContent'
category_id: {
sqlType: 'int4',
isNullable: true,
foreignKey: true,
camelcase: 'categoryId'
camelCasedFields: {
id: {
sqlType: 'int4',
isNullable: false,
primaryKey: true,
camelcase: 'id'
title: {
sqlType: 'varchar',
isNullable: true,
camelcase: 'title'
bodyContent: {
sqlType: 'text',
isNullable: true,
camelcase: 'bodyContent'
categoryId: {
sqlType: 'int4',
isNullable: true,
foreignKey: true,
camelcase: 'categoryId'
relations: []