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Version: 1.53.4

Fastify Plugin

The @platformatic/sql-events package exports a Fastify plugin that can be used out-of the box in a server application. It requires that @platformatic/sql-mapper is registered before it.

The plugin has the following options:

The plugin adds the following properties to the app.platformatic object:

  • mq — an instance of mqemitter
  • subscribe(topics) — a method to create a node Readable that will contain the events emitted by those topics.

Each entities of app.platformatic.entities will be augmented with two functions:

  • entity.getPublishTopic({ ctx, data, action })
  • entity.getSubscriptionTopic({ ctx, action })

Where ctx is the GraphQL Context, data is the object that will be emitted and action is either save or delete.


'use strict'

const Fastify = require('fastify')
const mapper = require('@platformatic/sql-mapper')
const events = require('@platformatic/sql-events')

async function main() {
const app = Fastify({
logger: {
level: 'info'
app.register(mapper.plugin, {
connectionString: 'postgres://postgres:[email protected]/postgres'


// setup your routes

await app.listen({ port: 3333 })
