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Version: 1.39.0


If you want to add features to a service, you will need to register a plugin, which will be in the form of a standard Fastify plugin.

The config file will specify where the plugin file is located as the example below:

"plugins": {
"paths": ["./plugin/index.js"]

The path is relative to the config file path.

You should export an async function which receives a parameters

  • app (FastifyInstance) that is the main fastify instance
  • opts all the options specified in the config file after path

Hot Reload

Plugin file is being watched by function.

You don't need to reload Platformatic Service server while working on your plugin. Every time you save, the watcher will trigger a reload event and the server will auto-restart and load your updated code.


At this time, on Linux, file watch in subdirectories is not supported due to a Node.js limitation (documented here).


The path can also be a directory. In that case, the directory will be loaded with @fastify/autoload.

Consider the following directory structure:

├── routes
│ ├── foo
│ │ ├── something.js
│ │ └── bar
│ │ └── baz.js
│ ├── single-plugin
│ │ └── utils.js
│ └── another-plugin.js
└── platformatic.service.json

By default the folder will be added as a prefix to all the routes defined within them. See the autoload documentation for all the options to customize this behavior.

Multiple plugins

Multiple plugins can be loaded in parallel by specifying an array:

"plugins": {
"paths": [{
"path": "./plugin/index.js"
}, {
"path": "./routes/"

TypeScript and Autocompletion

In order to provide the correct typings of the features added by Platformatic Service to your Fastify instance, add the following at the top of your files:

/// <references types="@platformatic/service" />

Plugin definition with TypeScript

Here is an example of writing a plugin in TypeScript:

/// <reference types="@platformatic/service" />
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginOptions } from 'fastify'

export default async function (fastify: FastifyInstance, opts: FastifyPluginOptions) {

Note that you need to add the "typescript": true configuration to your platformatic.service.json.

Loading compiled files

Setting "typescript": false but including a tsconfig.json with an outDir option, will instruct Platformatic Service to try loading your plugins from that folder instead. This setup is needed to support pre-compiled sources to reduce cold start time during deployment.