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Version: 2.45.0


Platformatic Node is configured with a configuration file. It supports the use of environment variables as setting values with configuration placeholders.


Supported object properties:

  • basePath: Service proxy base path when exposing this application in a composer when setting the proxy property. If not specified, the service will be exposed on the service or a value specified in the service code via platformatic.setBasePath().
  • outputDirectory: The subdirectory where production build is stored at when using wattpm build or plt build. The default is dist.
  • include: The paths to include when deploying the service. The default is ['dist'].
  • commands: An object specifying the commands to manage the application instead of directly executing the service entrypoint. Supported commands are:
    • install: The command to execute to install the service dependencies. The default is npm ci --omit-dev.
    • build: The command to execute to build the application.
    • development: The command to execute to start the application in development mode.
    • production: The command to execute to start the application in production mode.


Configures Node. Supported object properties:

  • main: The entrypoint of the application. This is only needed if the main property is not set in the service package.json file.
  • absoluteUrl: If set to true, then the service will receive the full URL from a Platformatic Composer. The default is false.
  • dispatchViaHttp: If set to true, then the service will serve requests coming from the mesh network via a TCP port.
  • disablePlatformaticInBuild: If set to true, then no Platformatic code will be started when running the build command.


Configures the logger, see the logger configuration for more information.


Configures the HTTP server, see the runtime documentation.


Manages watching of the service, see the service documentation.


If you run into a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please raise an issue on GitHub or join our Discord feedback channel.