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Version: 2.45.0


To start the Platformatic creator wizard, run the appropriate command for your package manager in your terminal:

npm create platformatic@latest

This interactive command-line tool will guide you through setting up a new Platformatic project. For this guide, please choose the following options:

- Where would you like to create your project?  => .
- Which kind of project do you want to create? => @platformatic/db
- What is the name of the service? => (generated-randomly), e.g. legal-soup
- What is the connection string? => sqlite://./db.sqlite
- Do you want to create default migrations? => Yes
- Do you want to create another service? => No
- Do you want to use TypeScript? => No
- What port do you want to use? => 3042
- Do you want to init the git repository? => No

After completing the wizard, your Platformatic application will be ready in the specified folder. This includes example migration files, plugin scripts, routes, and tests within your service directory.


If the wizard does not handle dependency installation, ensure to run npm/yarn/pnpm install command manually: