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Version: 1.39.0

User Roles & Metadata


Roles and user information are passed to Platformatic DB from an external authentication service as a string (JWT claims or HTTP headers). We refer to this data as user metadata.


Users can have a list of roles associated with them. These roles can be specified in an X-PLATFORMATIC-ROLE property as a list of comma separated role names (the key name is configurable).

Note that role names are just strings.

Reserved roles

Some special role names are reserved by Platformatic DB:

  • platformatic-admin : this identifies a user who has admin powers
  • anonymous: set automatically when no roles are associated

Anonymous role

If a user has no role, the anonymous role is assigned automatically. It's possible to specify rules to apply to users with this role:

"role": "anonymous",
"entity": "page",
"find": false,
"delete": false,
"save": false

In this case, a user that has no role or explicitly has the anonymous role cannot perform any operations on the page entity.

Role impersonation

If a request includes a valid X-PLATFORMATIC-ADMIN-SECRET HTTP header it is possible to impersonate a user roles. The roles to impersonate can be specified by sending a X-PLATFORMATIC-ROLE HTTP header containing a comma separated list of roles.


When JWT or Webhook are set, user role impersonation is not enabled, and the role is always set as platfomatic-admin automatically if the X-PLATFORMATIC-ADMIN-SECRET HTTP header is specified.

Role configuration

The roles key in user metadata defaults to X-PLATFORMATIC-ROLE. It's possible to change it using the roleKey field in configuration. Same for the anonymous role, which value can be changed using anonymousRole.

 "authorization": {
"anonymousRole": "anonym",
"rules": [

Another option is to use the rolePath field to specify a path to the role in the user metadata. This is useful when the role is nested in the user data extracted from the JWT claims, e.g. if we have a JWT token with:

"user": {
"roles": ["admin", "editor"]

We can specify the rolePath as user.roles:

 "authorization": {
"rolePath": "user.roles",

Note that the rolePath has the precedence on roleKey. If both are set, the rolePath will be used and the roleKey will be ignored.

User metadata

User roles and other user data, such as userId, are referred to by Platformatic DB as user metadata.

User metadata is parsed from an HTTP request and stored in a user object on the Fastify request object. This object is populated on-demand, but it's possible to populate it explicity with await request.setupDBAuthorizationUser().