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Version: 1.39.0

Programmatic API

It is possible to use the Platformatic client without the generator.

OpenAPI Client

import { buildOpenAPIClient } from '@platformatic/client'

const client = await buildOpenAPIClient({
url: ``,
// path: 'path/to/openapi.json',
headers: {
'foo': 'bar'

const res = await client.yourOperationName({ foo: 'bar' })


Once you have a client generated from buildOpenAPIClient, you can access a mapping between operation IDs and method/path by leveraging the Symbol.for('plt.operationIdMap') property.

const client = await buildOpenAPIClient({
// ... your client settings

const mapping = client[Symbol.for('plt.operationIdMap')]


* You should see something like:
* {
* getOperationFoo: { path: '/operation-foo/', method: 'get' },
* postOperationBar: { path: '/operation-bar/', method: 'post' },
* }

You're also able to pass an asynchronous function that modifies the headers for each request with the getHeaders option. This function will be executed before each request, just like the plugin getHeaders options. Note that headers and getHeaders are not mutually exclusive, and can work together:

import { buildOpenAPIClient } from '@platformatic/client'

const client = await buildOpenAPIClient({
url: ``,
headers: {
'foo': 'bar'
getHeaders(options) {
const { url, method, body, headers, telemetryHeaders } = options

// generate your dynamic headers

return {
myDynamicHeader: 'my-value',

const res = await client.yourOperationName({ foo: 'bar' })


If you use Typescript you can take advantage of the generated types file:

import { buildOpenAPIClient } from '@platformatic/client'
import Client from './client'
// interface Client {
// getMovies(req: GetMoviesRequest): Promise<Array<GetMoviesResponse>>;
// createMovie(req: CreateMovieRequest): Promise<CreateMovieResponse>;
// ...
// }

const client: Client = await buildOpenAPIClient<Client>({
url: ``,
// path: 'path/to/openapi.json',
headers: {
'foo': 'bar'

const res = await client.getMovies()

GraphQL Client

import { buildGraphQLClient } from '@platformatic/client'

const client = await buildGraphQLClient({
url: ``,
headers: {
'foo': 'bar'

const res = await client.graphql({
query: `
mutation createMovie($title: String!) {
saveMovie(input: {title: $title}) {
variables: {
title: 'The Matrix'
