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Version: 1.53.4

Seed a Database

A database is as useful as the data that it contains: a fresh, empty database isn't always the best starting point. We can add a few rows from our migrations using SQL, but we might need to use JavaScript from time to time.

The platformatic db seed command allows us to run a script that will populate — or "seed" — our database.


Our seed script should export a Function that accepts an argument: an instance of @platformatic/sql-mapper.

'use strict'

module.exports = async function seed ({ entities, db, sql }) {
await{ input: { name: 'Hello' } })
await db.query(sql`
INSERT INTO graphs (name) VALUES ('Hello 2');

For Typescript use the following stub

/// <reference path="./global.d.ts" />
import { Entities } from '@platformatic/sql-mapper'

const movies: object[] = [
{ title: 'Harry Potter' },
{ title: 'The Matrix' }

export async function seed (opts: { entities: Entities }) {
for (const movie of movies) {
await{ input: movie })

Platformatic code will look for a default or seed function name when importing the file. Take a look at the execute function here

We can then run the seed script with the Platformatic CLI:

npx platformatic db seed seed.js